Blue On Black’s debut gig at the Perth Blues Club was a raging success! All the hard work in rehearsals payed off with a tight, solid set from the band. The audience was awesome, and the club’s management have invited us back for another show later in the year. I also did a masterclass and performance with Donna at a local venue called Studio 9, closing the Armadale Arts Festival. It was an intimate affair, similar to a Ronnie Scott’s or Baked Potato, and we had another receptive and friendly crowd. A highlight of the gig for me was a surprise visit from Perry Ormsby and son Ari, who snuck a new guitar into the gig! I was blown away, and will be writing more on this soon, as the guitar is simply amazing!
Blue On Black have another gig on the 9th of June, so we’re in rehearsal for that one, getting more songs ready for a full show. I’m messing around with my rig, trying new combinations of amps and guitars, and am looking forward to pulling some cool tones in June. Stay tuned for a gig report and a rave about the new axe!