With my guitar buddy Kay leaving Blue On Black to pursue some much needed down time, we have tweaked the repertoire and are in rehearsals for a return show at the Perth Blues Club, as a five-piece. I’ve been messing with some new tones, and dialling back in some of the heavy. Blue On Black is starting to find a band groove, and it’s great to hear everyone starting to stretch out, filling the holes left by Kay and also stamping their mark on the sound of the band.
My amp rig is now just the RectoVerb 25 into a 212 cabinet, which is perfect for the grittier sounds I’m pulling now. I’ve experimented with a smaller rig using my Fender Blues Junior IV, and still have the option of running the Boogie with the Marshall SC20H and 212 when I really want to move some air. Guitars are the GG6, GG6FG and The Blackie (my main axe at the moment), although I have been playing my GTR SX6 Multiscale a lot at home, and might take it to a rehearsal to see how it handles blues rock!
Check out my facebook page for incidental bits and pieces, and the odd bit of stupidity. Peace.